3 Things to Look at When Evaluating a Storage Company

January 20, 2023

Excellent Quality American Storage Colorado Springs Large Units


Evaluating a storage facility before taking your objects there is essential to ensure that your belongings will be kept safe and in appropriate conditions that eliminate the risk of damage over time. There are many storage facilities, but they are quite different, depending on what they offer.

The most important thing is to be able to rent a storage unit according to your needs. But besides the size of the unit, there are some other important aspects to look at.

Cleanliness and hygiene

Choose a clean, dry, and well-ventilated storage space. Humidity will affect the objects you store, especially if we are talking about furniture items, documents, or personal valuables (paintings, musical instruments, etc.).

Avoid the type of storage facilities that have underground units, as they are more exposed to problems related to moisture, mold, and rodents. Choose facilities that offer clean and sanitized spaces, possibly with temperature control, if you need this feature. Regardless of their nature, your personal items deserve a suitable storage space.

Direct car access

The best storage facilities like American Storage in Colorado Springs provide car access right to the front of your unit. This way, you will be able to load/unload your things with ease.


You must pay attention to details such as security and video surveillance. It is highly recommended that you visit the storage facility beforehand to ensure it meets all the necessary safety requirements.


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