How Will I Know If My Belongings Will Fit In A Storage Unit?

November 12, 2021

know how big of a storage unit is needed

The basic thing you need to know is that the size of the unit you need for storing your belongings depends on the size and volume of your stuff.  It is important to estimate correctly, to avoid paying for storage space you do not actually use, but also to make sure that all your things properly fit in.

Here is a short guide:

Step one – Get familiar with the available storage unit sizes

Step two – Know exactly the items you need to store. Make a list, from the smaller ones to the largest ones. Also, pay extra attention to things with particular shapes.

Step three – Determine the items that can fit in boxes and estimate the number of boxes you will place in your rented unit.

Step four – Talk to a representative of the storage facility and ask for professional advice about making correct estimates. Their experience will be helpful Besides, some facilities offer written guides and/ or online estimators to meet the personal storage needs of their clients; you can also get useful information on how to wrap and pack correctly your belongings, in order to keep them safe and save as much space as possible.

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