How To Find Storage Unit Auctions

January 14, 2021

Storage unit auctions are events during which the storage spaces that have been abandoned and for which the rent has not been paid for a certain amount of time are opened and their contents are made available for bidding. The storage near me auctions are exciting, great fun and also great opportunities to find valuable items for cheap. Here is how to find out about such auctions near you:

  • Auction finding websites – there are many specialized websites that you can use to find out about upcoming storage unit auctions. You will be required to enter a zip code, then you can sort upcoming events based on various criteria;
  • Calling local storage unit providers – most facilities organize such events regularly, so if you call them, you will find out about the exact dates and locations of upcoming events;
  • Storage company websites – most facilities also announce upcoming events on their websites.

If you know the date and the place of the auction, don’t just go there with all your cash in your pocket – find out about the conditions for participating in the auction, too. Be prepared that some companies charge a fee for allowing you to bid on the contents of their abandoned units.

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