Why Is Climate Controlled Storage Important?

November 19, 2020

When you look around to rent a storage unit, one of the most important questions is – do you need climate-controlled storage?

Climate-controlled storage is more expensive and you must know if the benefits worth the added cost.

Storage companies provide different storage spaces at various temperatures: -20 ° C for freezing, 2-6 ° C for refrigeration - but also for dry products that must be stored at temperatures above 0 °C or do not require temperature control at all.

Basic self storage is enough for common household, yard or business items. On the other hand, the climate controlled storage Colorado Springs has is necessary - and actually highly recommended! - for sensitive items (musical instruments, antiques, electronics, fine art, documents etc.). The storage of some recreational vehicles should also be done in climate controlled units, if those vehicles are prone to be damaged by exposure to the elements.

Climate-controlled storage is not just about temperature control, but also about better air quality. Air quality is a feature most people forget about when they rent storage units – and this is definitely a mistake. In climate-controlled storage facilities, the air is continuously circulated, so it remains clean. You will not have to worry about ventilating your storage unit to prevent problems related to poor air quality (moisture, mold, etc.).

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