How to Prepare Your Boat for Winter Storage in a Responsible Way

September 4, 2020

A good boat can be very robust when you take it out to sea, but it can become extremely fragile when left in storage for a long period of time, especially in the winter and in a storage unit or a garage that doesn’t have proper climate control.

The first thing you have to think about is the engine. Depending on the type of engine or motor your boat has, you’ll have to take precautions, such as removing any liquids that might freeze or cause damage and rust to set in.

Keeping your boat covered is very important as well. You don’t want the elements to affect it too much, and you have to make sure it stays dry. So, if you plan to keep your boat in a place that could flood or sustain water damage because of a leaky roof, make sure you use proper covering to prevent water and low temperatures from causing too much damage.

Finally, make sure you hire a reliable boat storage Colorado Springs company to help you find the perfect storage unit. Although you might be fine storing your boat at home, if you want the best possible protection, a properly sized, well-designed, climate-controlled storage unit is your best option.

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