Are Storage Units Airtight?

July 30, 2020

The standard storage units available from storage space providers are not airtight, but most storage unit companies offer a wide range of units to rent, airtight compartments included. Airtight units are the top of the range – here are the benefits offered by airtight storage units:

  • Stable climate–sensitive objects can be severely impacted by changing climate conditions. Airtight units eliminate the risk not only by preventing the penetration of rain and snow from the outside but also by maintaining the temperature and the humidity of the air inside the container at stable levels. Storage places have climate-controlled storage Colorado Springs area so there is no need to worry;
  • Protection from pests – insects, rodents, and birds can make their way through the tiniest hole or gap and they can cause lots of property damage. With airtight units, you can be sure that no such pests can find their way inside your compartment. However, if you have taken your things out of storage and you notice a pest due to moving, then you may need to call in experts similar to pest control in georgia to make sure that none of your other items have been affected. Also notify the unit that you have stored your items in to see if there is anything that they can do too, as sometimes wear and tear is a possibility with certain units, which can mean pests getting in through the smallest gaps.
  • Enhanced security – airtight units are mostly used for valuable and sensitive items that need not only a stable climate but the highest level of security as well. Storage space providers are aware of such requirements, therefore most of their airtight units are fitted with surveillance cameras and they also benefit from standard security features, such as human guards and perimeter fencing.

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