Are Storage Units Open 24 Hours?

July 20, 2020

Some storage space providers work with opening hours similar to office hours, but many companies such as American Storage have realized the importance of providing their customers round-the-clock access to the rented unit, so finding a storage company that is open 24/7 is easy these days. Here are the benefits of renting a storage unit that you can access whenever you want:

  • Round the clock security surveillance – most storage unit providers equip their facility with multiple security features, using human guards, dogs as well as surveillance through security cameras;
  • Access to your rented unit whenever you want – most of us have hectic schedules that do not allow us to leave our work or other duties during standard office hours. The storage facilities that offer round-the-clock access to rented compartments are great for us, busy people, because they grant access to the storage compartments any time, during the day and at night, on weekdays and on weekends alike. The categories of clients that can benefit from round the clock access include businesses that start work early, such as gardeners, people who work in shifts or usually finish late during the day, busy mothers who spend the day taking care of the kids and can access to their storage unit after the kids have been put into bed or before they wake up.

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