How Can I Bid on an Abandoned Storage Unit?

July 14, 2020

One of the major issues that well kept storage facilities in Colorado Springs and other areas are faced with is the loss caused by abandoned storage units – units that have been rented and filled, but for which the renter has not paid the fee for over three months. The standard solution for the problem is to seize the unit with all its contents and to auction the items stored in the unit. If you are interested in this type of treasure hunting, here are some tips for you:

  • Contact the storage facilities in your region – the fastest and easiest way to find out about auctions is by contacting the facilities in your area to ask them about the days when they have live auctions;
  • Be prepared to pay a small fee – while most auctions are free to join, requiring bidders only to pay the price they have bid for, some events, especially the ones offered by large facilities, can be joined for a small fee;
  • Take your time – be prepared that the bidding process will take some of your time, usually 3-4 hours;
  • Have some cash on you – many facilities accept only cash payments for auctioned units, so make sure you have as much cash with you as you can spend on the bid.

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