American Storage Offers Discount in Response to Coronavirus

March 30, 2020

To our customers:

In light of the Governor’s executive order on Sunday and many of our customers being impacted by this Coronavirus issue, we want to offer to you a rate concession on your storage unit/space with American Storage for the next two (2) months.

Effective April 1, 2020, the storage rate on your unit will be reduced by $5 per month for the next 2 months (April and May 2020). Our desire is to thank you for your business and provide you some concession in order to reduce monthly expenses paid for storage; and to let you know that, as part of the Colorado Springs community, we want to take this initiative to express understanding of the additional burden from this Covid-19 virus and its impact on you, our customer.

We appreciate having you as customers and look forward to continuing to take care of your storage needs in 2020!!

The American Storage Team
6740 Vincent Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(719) 265-9999

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